PINNED Podcast

Vintage on Wheels with Vintage Girl Studios - PINNED Podcast: Episode 54

Miss Pinup Miami & Vintage Girl Studios Season 1 Episode 54

This week I have Tina from Vintage Girl Studios returning to the PINNED Podcast! We discuss how the pandemic has returned her love of roller skating and how she is incorporating it to her photography!

PS - she is also traveling to Florida to guest judge the pinup contest at Rockabillaque FL!!

Want to make a shout out on the next video? Text  to 1-833-4A-PINUP
Insta: @pinnedpodcastofficial


About  Vintage Girls Studios
Krzystyna Caldarone is a professional photographer who started working in film at age fifteen. She learned her craft at the iconic film-processing lab, Ferranti-Dege, located in Harvard Square, Boston.

Krzystyna has owned and managed, Kryzstyna Harber Photography
(, for eighteen years where she transitioned to
digital photography and honed her post-production editing skills through
her work in wedding photography, rock and roll photojournalism and
studio portraiture. In spring of 2010, Krzystyna left the traditional world
of professional photography in her quest for artistic satisfaction and
photographic adventure to found Vintage Girl Studios.
Vintage Girl Studios offers studio sessions that transform women into
classic visions of themselves from past eras. Vintage clothing, set design
and professional hair and make-up stylists help perform this
transformation to create a truly unique experience.
Krzystyna‘s Vintage Vintage/ Pin–up style photography has been
featured in a variety of publications, including Providence Journal,
Motif Magazine, Chronicle, and many national sub-culture magazines
and websites.


For more information
Insta: @vintagegirlstudios
TikTok: @vintagegirlstudios



Thank you for all your support! 
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 I N S T A G R A M: @pinupmiami
 F A C E B O O K: 
T W I T T E R: @misspinupmiami 
B L O G: 
C O N T A C T: ✉

Miss Pinup Miami:

Good day. And welcome back to the pinned podcast. I'm your host pinup Miami. And here at the pin podcast we talk about modern topics with a vintage flair. And today, I have a special guests because next weekend as you guys know, it's gonna be rockabilly cue a Florida and one of the judges and good friend of mine, Tina from vintage girl studios stir live from Rhode Island in the middle of the snow compared to me in the Sunshine State. Which you'll be traveling too soon because you got your next weekend. And for the viewers out there, if you guys have YouTube, make sure to watch on YouTube. And if you're watching on YouTube, make sure to like subscribe and follow pinup Miami, thank you much appreciated. If you're a first time listener, here at the pin podcast, we talk about modern topics with a vintage flair. We hope that you stick around and love everything that you're hearing and give us your input with our hotline at 183348 pin up. And if you're a regular listener, always listening in, truly from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate it so much. And thank you so much for joining me on this journey and being part of a amazing part of my life. So thank you. And now back to Tina here. If you're watching us she's also has props today. So you're gonna want to have to see it on YouTube. And if not, I'll describe it if you're listening to on Apple or any podcasting platform. How are you doing today, Tina, I'm doing great. We got about four inches of snow today that were supposed to be light snow, but it ended up getting a little bit bigger than what we thought. And for everybody's safety, I rescheduled my shoots because that's what happens this time of year and area. But I cannot wait for Wednesday when I come visit. I am so excited to have you here. I wonder does your body go through shock? Like from hot to cold?


You know, you know what I noticed? I noticed this. Because, you know, I haven't worn sandals since you know, maybe September I get like I get kind of blisters again. Because it's like you haven't worn you know, flip flops or other fun shoes and like so long because you're used to like galoshes and sin sneakers and things like that. Until, until like may here so yeah, so that's the only thing that I have, you just kind of it just feels weird. Make it like some chaplets when you come back, it's just, it's just an experience. But I am so excited to be in the sun. Very excited to be

Miss Pinup Miami:

at the Hard Rock with lava and with the scene of people that just love rockabilly vintage and up.


I can't wait, I can't I really can't wait. And it was really funny. Because, remember last time, I was on the cusp of coming. Yeah, I remember what I was like, but the plates jumped astronomically. Like as I was trying to hit send and get my life in order, you know, to kind of coordinate with people while I was gonna be gone, and then I was it didn't happen. And then the pandemic happened and last year didn't happen. But I'm like, I'm coming. I'm so excited. I'm so you don't even know how excited I've been looking forward to it. Oh, man.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I'm excited. Now, you know, yesterday was no two days ago was Valentine's. Tell us you have any cute Valentine things that you do?


Well, I am. I always give my kids like a little bit of chocolate when they were young. I used to get them like gifts for Valentine's and then I decided not to do that because they just get way too much stuff. So I just give them like little bit of candy. My husband, I actually bought him a diary about 20 years ago and when we were dating and it just kind of I just jot down my feelings of the Valentine's Day. Tell them how much I love him and how great he is. And I draw little pictures about where we are in life. And now there's like so many entries in it. It's kind of it's kind of nice. It's like It's like the card the permanent Valentine's card. But yeah, I love it.

Miss Pinup Miami:

That's cute because it keeps track of everything and like how you're every year. Yeah. Well for for me and my boyfriend. We just had a competition on who could get the cutest valentine card.


Or you okay, you have to text me and show me what you what you get.

Miss Pinup Miami:

i Yes. And then I'll let you be the judge. Okay. I gotta practice Yes. And um, then that Oh, and you've been on my podcast before, twice. Actually, this is your third time.


I know. I know. I know.

Miss Pinup Miami:

And last time you spoke about, you have revealed to the world that you're sewing, how is your sewing going?


It's going great. And it's really, it's really going great. I've been actually taking, like, certain gowns I find in like the thrift stores and kind of reworking them. And I know, we'll be discussing it a little bit more about my roller skating, but I'm actually making my like, cute little 1950s score, skater skirts, which has been like really, really, really, really fun to, and I will be wearing one at rockabilly Q which is kind of nice, because it's like the same material and it's like shorts underneath the little skater skirt. So by fall down, world won't see.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, cuz you also can't wear that in the snow is too cold.


Yeah, no, but you know, I've been roller rink skating. So I've actually wear it to the roller rink, like with tights, and stuff. But yeah, I like it.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Sports are great. Because like you said, if you fall down, nobody's gonna notice. Over you could do flips, cartwheels,


the wind, anything.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Now I'm really curious to know about your roller skating adventures, like, have you met like, like minded women have you it's like a whole different world, like, every little niche has their own thing. So I'm wondering,


it's like I, I feel like like, the whole like, vintage scene is like, it's like a tree. So it's like, there's so many different aspects. You have people who are like, into the 20s. And then you have people who are in rockabilly and you have people who are reenactors, and you have people that are into vintage clothing. And every every branch has its own thing. But I feel like I've discovered this new branch that keeps on going, like, so I used to roller skate a lot. When I was a teenager, I used to roller skate every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, when age 12 To like, age 16. And it was a lot of fun, but it was like, you know, the roller rink was like our club. But you know, like, we could go and meet boys and we we just have like a great time with my girlfriends and listen to music and, and all that kind of stuff. And then you know, I roller skated a little bit as I got older. You know, once in a while, everybody would be like, Oh, you're really good. And it's just my muscle memory just never forgot. And then when a great Oh, my daughter was three, I put her on skates, I took her to the ring. I remember it was the most stressful like roller rink experience that I think I ever had, because she kept on falling. But once I got her up, and we started going a few more times, and then it was just like something that our family could do together. And there was like a lot of birthday parties. And I was always like, we go into birthday parties and all the other moms would be like, oh, you know how to skate backwards. And I was like, Yeah, I hit my, you know, through the pandemic. What has happened is a lot of people have invested in roller skates because it was something that they could do outside and and they they could do together and be a little bit apart. And I went to a roller disco down in Providence, Rhode Island, and I was like, oh my god, I love this. This is a thing and then I've just been, you know, learning about more I've learned about like different groups that actually get together to skate. There was one girl that I met at the in Miami with you and she was in like the the fashion show.

Miss Pinup Miami:

When Art Deco weekend.


Yeah, Art Deco weekend and she runs a huge skate thing in Miami called all skates go to heaven. But yeah, it's been it's been a lot of fun. And the thing is, it's not like the skates. You remember when you were young when they were like, you know, the brown ones that you read. I wanted to show you my seat. Like, look at this. Those are adorable. Describe it.

Miss Pinup Miami:

They're there. They're the four wheel skates. I don't know how to do for water. They're nice and red. And they're leopard. Oh, and like a glossy leopard.


Yeah. But I love them very much. So. Yeah, so it makes me I've been skating and sewing outfits skating, and it's been a lot of fun. And I've added a new gallery onto my website, adding more images of people rollerskating as time goes,

Miss Pinup Miami:

now do you take the picture as your brother's Gaining,


you know, I was really nervous I went to I went to this group, that indoor event called, they're called the skate hags. And they're out of Boston and the, the, you know, a lot of the women are much younger than me, but oh, well, I just love skating and doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Like, it's totally fine. But like, I've been like, you know, the first time I went, because like when I photograph dancing and stuff like that, there's always a moment where I get like, a moment where people pose. With skating, it has been like movement constantly. So I've been trying to figure out how not to flash in people's eyes at the same time as catching that moment in my camera. So I've been working on that, but been having fun. I've been having a lot of fun.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Now, what's the difference? Do you think it's a different world? Okay, so you describe the tree? Vintage tree, would you say that skating and roller derby is intertwined, or is a two separate branch. It's


like one, I feel like it's one branch. And then there's another branch of like, dance skating, artistic skating. It's really, it's huge in the black community. It's huge in like, roller derby. So I feel like it's a it's a thick branch with many different smaller branches of it.

Miss Pinup Miami:

This would be an amazing visual. Advantage vintage, you got a true vintage rockabilly, you know, these little, like, little things in between.


The trunk is all of us feel connected. Yes. To this. And even if we're like, you know, we all have our different things. We're all like, really passionate about something somewhat nostalgic, or something from the past. But

Miss Pinup Miami:

so true. I think everyone has like a soft side. Even if they're not in the vintage world. It's like the soft side for nostalgia. Because it makes you feel good reminds you of the good times, you know, even when need like you walk in a room and you smell like a certain scent that reminds you of something when you were a child. Yeah. It's like that, like sudden like happiness. It's crazy. It's crazy how like your brain can make you feel things like you felt in the past. When I asked you about the Derby, and the skating, because sometimes when I tell somebody about skating, the first thing they talk about all since you love vintage, have you seen the derby girls? And I'm like, I feel like it's too different. It's the same like you said, but different. Because would you derby?


No, no, it's not that I wouldn't, I wouldn't do it. I mean, I would I be scared when I was younger. Like, if I if I was aware of it, when I was younger, I would probably be like, Yes, I definitely want to do this, but then it's also I'm self employed. So if I really hurt myself,

Miss Pinup Miami:

you know, I answer though, what? That's such an adult answer because I've actually used that excuse many times, like, I don't have health insurance, so I cannot.


Yeah, like, that was a concern. Because I was you know, running my own business. And at that time, I was shooting a lot of weddings and I was like, I can't like break my break my leg and then tell somebody I can't do it. Because when I was doing it, there was no internet when I started doing like that in my career. And then I got kids and stuff like that. But you know, I'm, I always tell Derby people I'm interested in roughing. I'm interested in skating around making sure that being a referee Oh, referee referee. Okay, so then I mean, that might be something I explore after my kids are older, but being like, you know, aware really cool striped shirt.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, you know, I always I always wanted to be a referee for basketball. Oh, I played basketball in high school. I tell people that I was amazing. But I was amazing at warming up the bench even though it was in varsity. But I always looked at the referees and I was like, Man, I want to be a referee. I get to watch the game like in first view, I get to decide technical foul. You doing a wrong start over all that's find it so fun. But for Derby, it must be also intense as well, because you're right there in the action. You have to skate with them, right? Yeah, round.


Yeah. I kind of like just doing my dancing and my spin.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Now what kind of music do you listen to when you skate?


So I I have all different kinds of music. I like I like, I like really obscure 80s New Wave. Hmm. I really so I listened to like the Smiths and I listened. I listened to like Duran ran. I think it's because I'm thinking about like, when I was skating when I was yell.

Miss Pinup Miami:

That was gonna be my next question is like, is there a normal, like genre of music when it comes to skating? Like I could describe in South Florida? Whenever I hear of freestyle song, like any freestyle from the 90s 80s? Well, mostly early 90s, I think of thunder wheels, which was like the biggest skating rink here. And all they would play was freestyle DJ last, like, if you're sort of local, I don't know if you know him, but he was a really big DJ, and did freestyle. So I associate like Miami with thunder wheels and freestyle music. So anytime I'm on the radio, and I hear any freestyle music, I turn to the person next to me and I'm like, bro, this thunder wheels music pump. That's what I associated with freestyle music.


Now, when I when when I went when I was young, it was like all like, because it was the 80s. So it was like 80s music. But when I first went rollerskating, it was all disco, like, because I started skating when I was like, four. So it would be like me listening to disco, holding on to the wall, going like that. I do that. Yeah. So you get your groove. Once you get your groove. It's like flying. That's the way I look at it. And I always help people like when I when I'm skating when people like, because I'm always like, because that's been my big question to everybody that I hang out with lately. Like, do you skate? You know? And do you? Do you didn't let me Well, yeah, I used to skate when I was working. You should come with me. And then I kind of I kind of like, teach them the same way I like I taught my daughter. Like, I'll skate backwards. We'll hold hands. And we're just going to feel that group together as we're skating. And then I like though, and then they have to go through around the rink, another 300 times, and then they've usually done it.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I just love


can I help you? Can I help you? I'm sorry.

Miss Pinup Miami:

But aren't you scared of picking them up like them falling like you falling? I don't know. I'd be like, no, because yourself. I'd be the worst person apart with


this part. Like of the thing because a lot of amateurs don't use this. But it's this is a toe stop. It's like it's a little plastic piece right in front of the skate. If you put this down, you're going to get your balance. When you put your foot like this, you're going to have a nice solid.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I thought that was just to like finance to like break.


Yeah, you could use it to break but I usually use it to like, walk here we go to like, stop and come up on my toe. And then I can get my balance. Now

Miss Pinup Miami:

isn't that it's any harder to skate with those four wheels and an inline.


I don't know I've never really skated in line. I've always skated four wheels. So

Miss Pinup Miami:

the only when I used to skate I skated in line but I think that was also a Miami Beach thing because you would send everyone an inline skates. Now it's different because I see a lot of force four wheel skates being in. Yeah, no. And they're all cute. I know using cute shoes, like look at yours like adorable Cheeto red. I've seen it pink glitter. There's like so many different combinations of pastels. I love it. And then you could make a matching score to everything you wear. I can I can be


like, and then I was like thinking about like, making like, covers. So when my, my sports don't match that I can like, I can kind of coordinate like, the sky's the limit.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Now you're going to be bringing the skates down to Florida. No,


I am I'm going to have them with me. But I'm going to like kind of see the situation if there's too many people if there's if the how the concrete is, you know, like, I'm gonna have my skates with me. I'm bringing my camera, which I'm very excited. I'm working with a couple of people while I'm there.

Miss Pinup Miami:

And are you pulling books? Can somebody book with you?


I'm almost fully but like I, I'm, I'm I'm almost like I'm like, like two steps away.

Miss Pinup Miami:

If you're interested send me a DM Yeah. And then I'll


give you the information because I I want to meet people you know, at these events. I make so many friends you know like I come home and I have like a whole whole new gang and and then when I go back I come visit you all you know like it's it's just it's I just I just find it you know as we get older it's like so much harder to make friends and situations and me I'm very outgoing. So I always want to make Yeah. Oh, yeah, I remember that. Remember the first day you in the blue dress?

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yes, that was one of my first dresses I ever Well, I had hoped to make that one but but I'm so excited to have you here. And I just I just I want to see you skating at least for a little bit when it's early in the day because yeah, this is all I dream about is you like just going through everybody. Park,


maybe like, I should get like a tray and start bringing like, burgers and stuff like that. And to people's cars. like it'd be so much fun. But yeah, I'm really excited to skate. and stuff. So I'll check out the situation. And make sure because I'm skating outside I have wrist guards and knee pads, and stuff like that. Hell Mm hmm.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Do you have a cute helmet?


Now I'm not gonna wear my helmet.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Everything else? No, do not


worry about packing because I only can my bags only like this big. So I'm trying to pack like my whole life into this bag into this little bag. And what are my skates to where I'm going where I'm staying. So my skates are already down

Miss Pinup Miami:

there. So I there's a camera that you use. All right, I want you to show the camera. You're not taking it. But I want I want everyone I'm


not taking it because it's covered. It's it's a big camera. And so I'm gonna, I always loved instant photography, like I always used to play with it when I started. It's kind of fun. You know, when I was a little girl, I used to take pictures with a Polaroid camera of my dolls all dressed up in outfits that I've made out of whatever I could find, which is not much different than what I do now. But like, but that's what I did, my parents would be mad because they'd be like, Oh, you're wasting all this film on your dolls. And I was like, but it makes me happy. I wish I could find I would set them up right in front of the refrigerator. So but and then as I got older, and I started doing photography, I love like Polaroid and instant photos. So I started going to a lot of like 1920s events and other events and I wanted something to like connect with other people. And I ended up having this camera. I found this camera that's like a hybrid that takes contemporary film, like I can go to the store and buy this film. And but the camera is old and here it is. It's a 1957 Polaroid Pathfinder.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Now did you fix it to be a Polaroid? Or was it this was


this was it like a camera like this has been modified a little bit. I have another one that's a little bit later that I use and at events and you have a lovely photo from the 1920s Ipswitch thing? Yeah, but it gives it more legit look, and it makes me you know, it's not practical for today's photography, you know, but it's kind of like the vibe. It's like driving a Model T. Like, it's fun. Yeah, like in one of those old cards like it's it's like, but it has new parts in it that makes it somewhat functional. So this is my 1957 Polaroid Pathfinder that has been modified. I modified this using different pieces from different things. It's like a Franken camera,

Miss Pinup Miami:

and it's awesome. I love the picture that you're doing me and to me.


Yeah, it's great for doing like photos. You know, I don't like the word photo booth but like instant photo experience photo experience because it's like, and there's only one of it. There's not like there's no digital image it's kind of really nice. There's a lot of street photographers in New York that use older cameras with instant film that are really great. should check out like Louis Mendez and stuff. So yeah, that's maybe next year. I'll bring it down for more when

Miss Pinup Miami:

you ship it over to me and I'll have it


well, if I could ship one and then have another I just need to do some more tests with that stuff. But

Miss Pinup Miami:

I love those I can I look forward to the 1920s party again. I want to go back up there.


I already got my room. I'm all excited. I gotta get my room. You gotta get it wrong.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Don't say the room so I could go get it for


I'm gonna say hi to your buddy Ray.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yes, a place that that I'm going to stay with you has this wonderful gentleman that that is infatuated with me. He was so nice. He is so nice. But he's so sweet. And at that event was so beautiful and everyone compliments The event on my Instagram. Um, I was I guess Tina girl, you gotta go see Tina at this you really like brought another level to that event with your camera? Yeah, it was,


it was a lot of fun now I'm thinking about how to get a bigger and better. You know, that's, that's gonna be like, when I get back I have like I have a bunch of stuff I have to get done. But that's definitely I'm trying to think of something to need something that I can break down and put away and store because one thing is being a photographer in this whole genre, you just acquire stuff. Like so much because my clients request certain things and like, I had a client she wants to reenact on the certain she wants the certain Elgrand foot photo of like the fire the pinup girl going down the fire pole. So I had to so I painted a pole for the, for the studio. So we could like re redo that actual like pose in the queue. And now I have a gold pole. That I'll probably use it again for other shoots. But you know, I just require like, stuff, like lots of stuff like, you know, like, but it's funny because a lot of friends call me Mary Poppins because I just like I just pull things out of like, the air for the photoshoot, you know, like,

Miss Pinup Miami:

yeah, what I was surprised when I went to your studio, I've seen your photography, you know, but the first time I went to your place and I saw your photography studio, you have it so well, like, organized in a way that you have so many sets in one area. Yeah. And I thought that was super cool. So you could change it up, switch it, it still has like a living room kitchen, a seamless backdrop. And the way you photographed was like natural light or just one light. I just love. I love your work. So it's Oh,


thank you. I love your work, too. Every time I'm sewing, I listen to you. It's like you're there and you're with me.

Miss Pinup Miami:

It's like a party of three people. Yeah, can you just


listen to your podcast or your lives whenever I I'm doing my sewing?

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, you're making me blush. Let's talking about blushing. I have a few people that asked questions on Instagram for you. So let's get that started. The first one is, I am entering the contest that rockabilly cue, is there any tips as a judge that you can give me


just I'm just be you. Just be you. Because I am going to I'm going to give an instance I'm not going to say what contest it was that I was judging, like, a few years ago, and you know, I really love people's personalities, you know, and that comes out within their question. And that's, you know, how sometimes I gauge my, my judging and what, whatever. What's really nice is I don't really know any, but anybody in this contest, so it's like, I'm not, you know, I will if I see them or meet them before, like, I don't even talk about it. Like I don't want to talk about it, you know, like good, you know, all that kind of stuff. Like, we're just, you know, but the question is definitely, like, the most important aspect and how they carry themselves. But I'm gonna tell tell you a story about a contest, and I was judging. It was one of my first contests one of the first contests I've ever judge and woman looked great. She was like, her outfit her hat her. Her whole outfit was like on point like, like, she just jumped out of it. Like the calendar like she looked amazing. But then she got up there and her question was, if you ever had to get a tattoo, what would you get? She's like, well, I don't have any tattoos. But and then she's like, but I get a tattoo of my old school and she she dropped this really kind of snooty Ivy League school like a very like prestigious school and it just I would do with my my my you know, Alma Mater. Yeah, so thanks but so I thought that was a little or you know, and it kind of made her points go down because it you know, I want to know about you not, you know, where you went to school like I don't associate that but like some people kind of like, that's their thing. And it just it just seemed a little, too

Miss Pinup Miami:

I think it's the way was delivered.


I mean, it was delivered really poorly, but she was on point like, everything else looks great, but like that one question like just thing. But the girl who did end up winning the girl who did end up winning He said, if you're on a desert island, what would you bring? She said, My red lipstick. And I was like, that's a gradient. Like, that's a great answer. And that, and that gave higher point. You know, like, that's what

Miss Pinup Miami:

goes with the pinup, you know, you're there for a pinup contest. So it should be in the same genre,


but it was like, it's almost like it was like a very likeable, like, like, and she it was just rolled off her tongue and it was like, natural. And it's like, yeah, that's it, you know, like, but yeah, so that that's my story. That this was, this contest was like, so low. So so so so so so long ago,

Miss Pinup Miami:

in the in the Sunday live I recently did. It was about tips, I gave six tips on pinup, I actually listened. But if you guys want to listen to it, I have it up on my YouTube channel or the rockabilly cue Facebook page. And again, I'm always open to anybody DMing me with any questions on Instagram, or on the hotline? Now the next question is, what is the weirdest thing to happen on a photoshoot set? Oh. Oh, it must be good. It started off with a laugh.


Oh, there's just too many,

Miss Pinup Miami:

many. Oh, give me your top three.


I can't I can't I can't I can't divulge.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Generic like, oh, I don't know, generically.


I've had a dog try to run it. jump out the window of my studio. And you're on

Miss Pinup Miami:

a second floor.


Big Dog. Big dog jumped out the wind tried to jump out the window. How'd you stop it? It had glass. Oh, big dog, big dog jump. Like that's the that's the thing. But I have a lot I have a I have a lot of letter a lot of fun stuff that happens in the studio studio. As my stylist says it's never boring. Just another day at work. But, you know, I love you. I love my clients. I love them. Like, they just give me like life, like coming out of the studio and coming home and being like, you know, like, it's, I'm truly blessed with being able to do what I love, you know? And yeah. You know, I really feel like I I try to help people in there, too. I try to help people see themselves without distraction. I mean, I know we're not like, this pinup world and little, you know, like in the hair and the makeup. But you know, I really want them to see how beautiful they are. And without, you know, any, any, any distraction, because everybody is just fabulous. You know. It's about making people feel good. And I really, I really love it. I really love every single one of my clients. Some of them make me crazy, but like, I really love like every single one. And I remember them. I remember like people have had shoots with like, 15 years ago. Oh, yeah, we did this and we did that. How are you doing? You know?

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, that's so beautiful. The next question is, um, I lost my favorite moment. What is the most what is the pose most used in a photo? Shoot? I guess like what's the pose that you see everyone using? The most? Hmm. I don't know of in your photography, well, I guess in your photography,


that everybody that I mean, I have a couple of go to poses that I do. Because, you know, my client sees my work and it's what they want, you know, like, you know, it's not my, my shoot, it's there shoot, so I kind of like guide them and and put them in poses that I know work for a lot of people and then I do different variations and I try to customize each to every everybody shoot. Sometimes people can't do certain things and move a certain way. And that's fine. We just move on and do do something else. But I don't know maybe it's the I always I think everybody does the EU Oh, like I feel like that is that you know I always make my clients go EU because it makes them laugh a little bit like I know of the next thing but if you know like it's gonna I'm going to get a more natural after doing that.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yes, I always tell people when I'm like directing in a photoshoot or coordinating for Like the calendar, I always tell people to do their vows and just change it up. So it'll be like A E I O. And then they laugh. And there you go.


That's the image that that.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, I just love it. All right, the next question is, what was the first photo shoot you ever did,


like a pinup shoot? Like my first pen, or my first like

Miss Pinup Miami:

this, let's keep it to pinup. Shoot, what's the shoot you ever did?


Oh, okay. So I started shooting pinup I had a regular photography studio, and I did babies and families and all that kind of stuff. And I just had my daughter, like, I mean, literally, like six months before. And this was when we match final child. So I was I had, I had, like, you know, the blues, because I was like, you know, you spend your whole life like building up to marriage, children, and then you have them and then now you're done. And then now, you know, like, so it's over. It's over. So I was I was feeling kind of icky. I was feeling kind of again, having a newborn. And then somebody suggested Why don't you try doing? You know, why don't you do do like pinup shoots, and me and the stylists work together. It didn't. Our relationship didn't last that long. But after the first shoot we did, we photographed three women. One was tattoo. Another one was like a normal girl. And then there was another like, blonde hair girl. And you know, I actually had to have one of the stylists walk was walking my baby around, like, brought the baby because I you know, I mean, she was little little, like six months old. And I walked out of that shoot, and I was like, This is what I want to do with the rest of my life. Like, this is it like, this is what I'm meant to do. Like, I was like, How can I do this for the rest of my life. And and you know, it's just like, I felt like so it was like the first time I felt like better.

Miss Pinup Miami:

And feeling when you realize that this is something you want. This is


my this is this is my purpose. Like this is this is this is everything it is not only for me, because I have to I have this young, beautiful daughter, and I want her to feel like this empowered, like, about everything. And by me doing this and working with women and stuff like that making me feel good. It's gonna and I'm bringing this to my daughter, like, I have to be strong.

Miss Pinup Miami:



take it a turn. So I mean, it's like, that's why like, I was like, This is it. This is what I meant to do. And I'm really special shoot, I mean, I'm I just can't believe that it's so long ago now like and how far the studio has like, in my talk, because I've gotten better. I've learned different things I've learned about a met so many people have made so many new friends and it was like, it was like, I got on Facebook and then I reconnected with like all my friends and I was like, Oh, what are you doing? And I was like all little insecure about you know, having having having, you know, yeah, you know, mom of two young children, but now I'm like, No, I'm photographing badass babes traveling and having a great and having a great time, you know? So it really, really kind of helped me get out of those baby blues. You know, it just made me feel better. And I feel like that rubs off on my clients that it's like sometimes your shoot some more like for me as well as you like because I love and I just feel great doing them.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Beautiful. So I left this question for last year, because I thought it was really random but I was like I'm gonna ask you Tina. What is a fun fact you could tell about pinup Miami that we might not know.


Fun fact.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Let's see. I don't know. What are you gonna say? I don't know. Something that you think nobody knows about me I guess. Don't put me out there Tina.


I don't know I don't know. Fun fact that when you saw the deer at my house, maybe you hadn't seen you know you're thinking She had not seen like a deer and then a deer just walked by and yeah,

Miss Pinup Miami:

it was. I felt like a Disney movie and I see these like, I think it was two deers come out and it was just like your normal and I'm here like, there's a friggin deer. We were like sitting outside drinking wine with a fire pit or


Yeah, and then all of a sudden the deer came walking by just the turkeys next time you come we get a we get a little looking for some turkeys. Oh, you

Miss Pinup Miami:

didn't even have to go to the grocery store. You could just kill it. No. They're so weird. They like


walk by and they're like, they look like skunk sees you know, like they're just like these living. But one day there was like 30 of them in my yard. And it looked like the movie The birds because they were everywhere. And they're huge. They like giant birds. But yeah, deer all the time. But yeah, that was funny. You were like, Oh my God. And you're

Miss Pinup Miami:

and then they just jumped off away.


So the fun fact is pinup Miami had not seen a deer until she

Miss Pinup Miami:

saw my house. Yeah, the only deers I've ever seen are like roadkill like on the highway here in Florida. But that's like in Central Florida where like there's no lights. So I guess the cars like like the track the deers I've never seen a really cute one on Taiwan here. Yeah. Now do you have anything you'd like to ask me? I always asked the guest if they have any questions.


I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I'm just I'm just so excited to see you and spend time with you.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I'm so excited. And you're going to meet so many incredible ladies. Like there's some I'm


really I'm really really really excited. I'm just I'm just just some fun, some sunshine that much needed sunshine and good people and new friends. And if anybody ever has a question, like a very approachable, like, just come on up, Shana. No, no, no, no, like, I'm always like any anybody ever have any questions and be like, you know, they see this and they're like, oh, you know, like, like, please come up, say hi. Or you can

Miss Pinup Miami:

reach out to her Instagram. She's gonna be one of the judges look at our dinner here in the beach, trying to live that Florida life there.


And just to let you know, it'll look if I look like I have sunglasses on all the time because I have transitions. So they just get dark and fun. So I want to get those. It's okay, they they're okay, but I love the way that they look like sunglasses. So yeah, that's. So if I go into the casino for anything, and I look like I'm wearing sunglasses at night. It just takes a few minutes

Miss Pinup Miami:

there. You know why, but I'm so excited to have you being one of the judges. Oh, thank


you for having me. And thank you to the whole rockabilly cue Simon and everybody for having me because, you know, I know. This is like a new territory. And I'm just I'm just so honored. And I'm really excited to meet the other judges and have some fun behind the judges, table. beings and the

Miss Pinup Miami:

crowd. The crowd favorite is going to get a photoshoot by you.


Yep, right after we'll just go and we'll, we'll do like a whole bunch of photos and hopefully the sun will be like, really heading down but I get some skills and it'll be fun. It's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yes, and I loved I loved after Viva East when I won and that photo you took with me with the car that mega dress. You always take amazing photos. So the winner is going to be blessed with a Tina original vintage girls new original Latina thank you so much for being on the podcast today. truly a pleasure. Third time's Third time's a charm. And yeah, I'm is a winner. So I guess I have to have you on another time.


Yeah, and I'll go on even more about skating and what I find and all that I gotta get you on skates.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I don't know about but I'm sure you'll find skaters I rock even thank you. So make sure if you skate reach out to Tina. You know, maybe you just could do skating in the evening like after the day's done little winding down on the on the concrete there. And I'll blast the New Wave music. Well, there's not going to be any new wave. But there's amazing bands there so you'll be able to jam out some cool bands. Thank you so much.


Thank you because