PINNED Podcast

Life's a Stage with Luna X Mars- PINNED Podcast: Episode 47

Miss Pinup Miami & Luna X Mars Season 1 Episode 47

Ever wonder how it feels like to be on set of a TV show or Movie? This week join me and Luna X Mars as she opens up with stories from when she worked on set.  You'll get the inside scope and even learn something cool I never heard about when it comes to having tattoos and acting.

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About  Luna
She a pizza lovin, Ghostbustin' gal- born and raised in the Bronx. The retro life was always appealing to her, but it was watching movies from the Golden Age of Hollywood with herDad that started it all. Bettie Page became her inspiration as she started herpin-up career being published in Tassel Twirl magazine in 2014. She won the title of Miss DMC for 2019, and shes an actress found in various movie and TV productions. She's obsessed with Disney World, and is the proud rescue momma to 3 fur babies. She  also the President of the NYC Luscious Ladies chapter.


For more information
@lunaxmars on all social media



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Miss Pinup Miami:

Good day and welcome back to the pin podcast. I'm your host, Pinup Miami. And here the pin podcast we talk about modern topics with a vintage flair. If you haven't listened to us before, you're just tuning in, I hope you stick around. And if you're a returning listener, I want to say, thank you so much for your continuous support, it means the world to me. And if you haven't followed please like, follow if you're watching on YouTube, it's a free way to help me out. And if you like, you can follow the pin podcast on pin podcast official on Instagram. And if you want to get more involved with like guests on the show, or topics or questions for the guest, send me a text directly to 183348 pinup. And I'll answer any questions you get. So give it a try. Today we have a very special guest astrue rate from New York we have a she's a pizza lover, a pinup model and an aspiring actress. Her name is Luna and she's beautiful. Oh, thank you. How are you doing today? Luna? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. I first wanted to start off by asking how do you how did you get Luna x Mars? Like what's the x?


Yes. So this is it's kind of a long story. But I'll try to make it short. I went to school for filmmaking. And while I was in college, I wanted to make a comedy short series for YouTube. And it was going to be about a girl who loves karaoke. And it was going to be like a mockumentary. So you know, she takes it way too seriously. And she's super competitive. And she just like loves karaoke. So I was looking for a name for the character. And I want to do something that I thought was a little silly. So as a Bruno Mars fan, I said, Oh, Luna, Mars could be really fun because Luna I love because of Luna lovegood. And also from Harry Potter. And my dad brought me up in sci fi movies. So Luna just seems like a really pretty Yeah, I was like, Oh yeah, Luna would be great. And then Luna Mars, because now Bruno Mars. So at first I started kind of as a joke. I was just trying to be funny with it. And then when I started to do pinup, I had to look for a name. I was like, Well, what do I want my name to be? And that had kind of already stuck with me know Luna Mars. So when I went to Instagram, to take that name at Luna, Mars, someone had it. Yeah, but it was she wasn't a pinup model. I made sure she wasn't a pinup model. She's just like, you know, regular average person says like, all right, well, let me put an X in the middle. Maybe that's not taken and it wasn't. So it just, that's how it came to be, which is Luna x Mars. And then I was like, Oh, the X is kind of like sexy. I like it.

Miss Pinup Miami:

It's like exotic. Since you mentioned pinup, I love to know how you got into pinup. I love hearing the story of how people get into it and how you know, some of these stories inspire people to become pinup suits. So if you don't mind? Oh, no,


of course. So it first started with my aunt's wedding. I was looking for a dress. And I don't know how I came across pinup girl clothing, but I did at the time, and bought a dress from them. And I felt so beautiful in it. So my background is when I was a baby, I was a model and into high school, I went to modeling school. And then in college, I was doing filmmaking, modeling, acting and dance. So I'm just an entertainer all around. That was kind of my world. So after I got that dress, you know, I was still kind of on the radar of like, kind of pro clothing. I thought, you know, that's really cool. They've got some really beautiful dresses. But the story changes a little. So I got a dress from I think it was cold. It was a polka dot dress. And it was made by she was on that TV show. I can't remember her. Oh, Lauren, Lauren. Conrad. I think I think is Lauren Conrad. Um, she had a line at Kohl's and this dress was poke it up. So I put it up on Instagram and I hashtag pin up girl because you know, you think polka dots you think pin up girl. And out of curiosity, I tapped the hashtag because this is when Instagram was still new. So you know, tapping a hashtag was like whoa, what's there

Miss Pinup Miami:

when you touch it into a whole new world that literally


like all these pictures came up of all these beautiful women and I was like, Whoa people Like, do this, because I thought I was just gonna come across art, I thought I was just going to find pinup art. But what I found was women who were actually going out and dressing like this and like being beautiful on a daily basis. And I was like, well, I want a part of this. So I'm someone I started to follow was the vintage doll. And she posted a story about how her first pinup shoot was just at home, she put a camera with a self timer, like in her living room, and she just pose pose, pose, and she took her own pictures. And I was like, well, damn, I've got a camera, and it's got a self timer. And I'm a creative person. So I went in my front yard, and put the

Miss Pinup Miami:

camera on okay. Yeah,


I got what my pin up the outfit I had surprisingly didn't wear that dress that I got from pinup girl clothing. I don't know why I didn't. But I wore just like these little pom pom shorts. And just like a really cute outfit. And I took the pictures, I would press the timer and I'd run and pose and then I'd well that's an ugly poses to better pose. And then I go back and get the camera saying, okay, okay, now I need to lift my leg a little more in like arch my back a little more side, run and post post pose and take all these pictures. And then I posted them to Instagram. And there was a very small group of people that I mean, like maybe five people who follow me. But they were really encouraging. And they're the reason I kept going with it. And then just snowballed from there. You know, just one thing after another, submitting to magazines or going to a casting call and meeting other people. And then it just grew and grew and grew.

Miss Pinup Miami:

And now you're the president of the luscious ladies in New York. No,




I would have never, never, when I first joined the group, if you told me that I was going to be the president, I would have never thought that would happen. But also because pinup came at a time in my life where things were really difficult. So you know, it was very early, it was really good to have that to kind of look to when things were tough. And it all started with a dress. Yeah, it was start with a dress and a hashtag.

Miss Pinup Miami:

And a supportive people. That's why you know, I only see online when people are so mean to people when they try new things. You know, a couple episodes ago, I was speaking with Kat. And we talked about gatekeeping in the pinup community, and there's been a couple of people that just because you're not dressed to the tee that they get critiqued. And I'm like, What have you just read that person's day, they're just getting started, like everyone starts somewhere.


My biggest thing is giving people the benefit of the doubt. And just being kind because you don't know what people are going through, you know, because and I think it also may be for me, especially it comes from having been in those dark places, and having those days when it was an absolute chore to just get out of bed, just to wash my face just to brush my teeth. So, you know, for someone to then after I've gone through all that effort to feel good. This actually happened to me recently, I went to a I'm not going to say where I went, I went to a thing, and went somewhere. And before I had left the house, I was already feeling very self conscious. Because Hello COVID weight, gained a lot of weight. And you know, before I left, and before we left the house, I was already feeling like, I was like, I look fat, I look disgusting. I don't want to go out I feel bad. But I put on the dress and I went out. And there was a person at this event that pulled me aside and was like, Hey, you know, I know it's really hard for women your size to find dresses, and you know, blah, blah, blah. And he just wanted to this whole thing about trying to help women my size, find vintage dresses, and I was just like, you know, you have no idea what it took for me to leave the house that I was like already feeling like garbage. And the last thing I needed to hear was you talking about women my size. Now there's nothing wrong with you know, plus size women are being put but it's just about the way that you feel. And the point is just that you know how he kept that comment to himself. I would have had a better day.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Some people need to be quiet. Yeah.



Miss Pinup Miami:

Unless somebody asked you like, I don't know, but you would ask her not a stranger be like, hey, how do I look? You know, your girlfriend's gonna be like, yes, girl. You're you're looking so hot. Let's go. Yeah. So then tell us about your acting. How you how that got started. I know you were entertainment were your parents in in the entertainment world or?


So my dad? No, my mom was was also a model. So she she did modeling with Barbizon modeling school. And that's the same modeling school that I went to. So she did it for a while. And that's why when I was a baby, she put me into modeling. So as a baby, I did Ashutosh bogash and stride ride and Cheerios, and just some like small things. But yeah, no, my mom only did modeling. So I'm the first actor in the family. And I

Miss Pinup Miami:

create like small things, and nobody else has that on there. What's, and then you want to after you because some kids when they start, like my my parents made me play piano, but I hated it. I always wanted the violin, and I still do. But you enjoyed modeling, and then you started. Yeah, more. So now as an adult, you still go on casting calls? And oh, yeah, yeah.


So when I was. So I got started in acting actually in high school. And it actually all started because a pizza. Oh, no, yes. The obsession with pizza did not start there that was instilled by my dad, my dad would always just pizza has been a part of our life. But when it came to acting, pizza was the key, so to say, so my dad wasn't in entertainment, but he did take me on my sister to a lot of Broadway shows. And movies were our thing. You know, he's the reason mostly that I became an actor, because he exposed me to all of these movies and shows. And, you know, I've always admired the people in the movies. And then in, but I never really never really thought that I could do it. You know, it was like, Oh, that's cool. They do that. But in high school, I had a friend who said to me, hey, do you want to come to an after school club? You know, like, we do acting and stuff. And I was like, I don't really know. And then they were like, there's free pizza. And I was like, yeah. But that's literally how the conversation when I first was like, No, I'm good. And they're like that there's gonna be pizza. And I was like, oh, okay, wait, that changes things. So I went to this thing, really just for the pizza, because I just want a free pizza. But then I fell in love with it. That group was called faces me manatees faces maimana needs theater network for teens. Oh, wow. Yeah, a very long name. But it was mostly known as faces. And we actually did Improv Theater. And we would travel around New York City doing skits for other high schools. And we did topics like sex drugs, you know, getting in trouble on all that, you know, all that all those sorts of things that teen issues pretty much. So that's where I started. And one of our alumni is Zoe Saldana. So she, yeah, she was filming center stage, when I had joined the group. So there was a day that she came to talk with us and meet us. And I was just like, in awe, because I mentioned to you that I've also done dancing, and I did mostly dance in college. But in high school, I really wanted to be a ballerina. And she was doing this movie about being a ballerina,

Miss Pinup Miami:

that was a great movie I loved centerstage is such a good movie, I love them.


And I was like, Oh my god, I want to do what she's doing. And she's a huge, another huge reason why I kept going with this because I saw a girl from my neighborhood, like, out there killing it. And she's huge now. And she got her start just like I did it faces. So that's where it started. And then in college, I wanted to focus on acting. So the first school that I went to my mom worked there, it's a little like kind of a long, short story, but complicated, complicated, long, short story. But she went to she worked there. So that meant I go to school there because we got some sort of tuition, you know, reimbursement. And I had exhausted all the acting classes that I could take, because there was like three years that I was going there. And I couldn't go full time for whatever, like bureaucratic reason. And I was just taking part time classes. So I took all the acting classes that I could, and all that was left was film. So I said, well, that's movies, so I might as well just take a movie class. Like we're in the same universe, so yeah, world class. Yeah. And so I took a horror film class. Yeah, cuz I was like, Oh, I love horror films. So the final project was either to write a long paper must been like 10 pages, or shoot a short film, and I'm like, I'm shooting a short film because I used to hate writing papers. I said, I'm doing I'm doing I thought the easy, the easy way out, but it really wasn't because I had no idea where to go. So much. I cast my family I wrote the script myself, I did all the costumes myself. I didn't even have a video camera. This is before cell phones before even cameras are like, easily available. So I had to borrow a camera from someone in the neighborhood. Because there was like one person in the neighborhood that had a camera,

Miss Pinup Miami:

but did a digital camera VHS was like, it was um,


it was like a mini Oh, god. I'm, I'm a horrible filmmaker right now. It was like mini something. It's a step above VHS. But below digital was like those little

Miss Pinup Miami:

mini cards in the VHS. That was like a mini


is a tiny VHS.


It was one of those. And I also didn't have a computer or editing software. So I edited on a VHS. VCR. I had to plug in the camera to the VCR. But anyway. Yes. Listen, when I put my mind to it, nothing stops me. So it was very embarrassing to go to school with that short film. I mean, everyone else had money. And so they had editing equipment and cameras and things like that. But there was something about doing it that just, I was obsessed with. I was like, Oh my god, I want to do this. This is so much fun. And so then I went to school for filmmaking. And I have a bachelor's degree in filmmaking now.


Not there you go. Yeah.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Do You Have you made any like other short horror films? No.


But it but in my, in my time in college, I did a lot of other short films that are floating around on YouTube somewhere.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, there's quite a few of them out there. Hidden Luna gems on YouTube.


Yeah. But then I also I also directed the two short films, I guess you can call them short films. The ones that we did for pinups for Pitbull, we did one for Christmas, and we did one for Halloween. I did that with dizzy. And that was so much fun because it was like getting back and you know doing what I love my craft and it was just it was a blast.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I didn't know that. You made the videos for panels. Perfect.


Yeah, yeah, there's one on YouTube. The Halloween ones on YouTube right now. The Christmas one I was supposed to post around Christmas. Gonna do a Christmas in July. So I'm waiting for July to roll around. Suppose that one.

Miss Pinup Miami:

And you work on set on any films shows? Yeah, yes. Oh, my


gosh, I have I wrote my list of stories because I, I worked. Before we get into the stories.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I had a question about acting school. You know, I was very curious to know when you're in these schools, Is there like a lot of students around you that have like big egos?



Miss Pinup Miami:

movies, and everyone thinks they're better than the other person. And he's trying to shine and belt out? Oh,


yes, there? Yes. Absolutely. There was I can remember them by name. From Yes. Because they drove me crazy. There was one girl in one of my classes that the professor always called on her to show the class how to do it. So he would be like, I'm going to change her name. So that she ever listened to this. I

Miss Pinup Miami:

doubt it.


But we're going to call her Morgana. He would say, okay, so class, I want you to do XYZ. We're gonna show the class and this was every day all the time. And I'm sitting there like, here we go. And Morgana is all about herself. You know? She's not even good. And I'm like, why is he was calling on her

Miss Pinup Miami:

Teacher's pet. I was wanting because sometimes movies show things so differently than real life. But I was like everyone there wants to be a star something so they have to have like clashes, you know,


clashes even that way. So I the work that I've mostly done, Reese in the recent years is background work. And in background work, you meet some of the most interesting and annoying people in the world. There are so many, like you said, there are people there with big egos. And it is just it's beyond comprehension of how some of these people behave when they're on set because I'm just grateful to be there. I'm like, thinking everyone, thank you so much. Thank you for letting me be here. This is so cool. But some of them treat this like it is there right. And I've seen and heard some of the like the most wild things being there. And that's when we get into your stories.


I've got one really funny about

Miss Pinup Miami:

someone that actually one of the questions. One of the questions was somebody on Instagram asks, What's the funniest experience on set?


Oh, okay. Yep, I've got my I got a list my list here. Because I had to remember a lot of this stuff, some stuff I forgot I did, I was like to

Miss Pinup Miami:

spill the tea.


So I was working on the TV show bull, and I've worked on that show a lot actually been in a bunch of episodes with them. I really liked that show. That's also a really cool thing is when you enjoy watching the show, and then you get to be there and work on it. It's just like, so we walk into the courtroom and you know, we sit down and they give you directions. So, you know, once they choose you, they tell you, okay, we want you to go here, we want you to go there, you know, on three or on go or on action, you know, they'll tell you when they want you to go. So we go and we sit, and I started to hear a little bit of snoring. And I'm like, Oh my god, I turn I look at my partner with my clients. And he's asleep during filming, which is like, No, you do not do that. Because if they call you or they call on you, you know, you'll be out alive and awake and ready. Yeah, you're gonna get kicked off. So I'm just like, freaking out. I'm like, I cannot believe this guy's sleeping. You know? And I'm like a part of me feels bags on my He must be really tired to fall asleep on set. So then they call it again. All right, let's go. And he fell asleep again. And I'm like, Oh my god, you know? Like, I'm like, leaning away from him. Like, I don't know him. No, he's my partner. And I'm just like, got my eyes wide open. Like, I'm awake. I'm awake.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I'm good. Oh, my God. Yeah, that


was that I think was probably one of the funniest things that happened was like, I can't believe this guy.

Miss Pinup Miami:

He didn't get in trouble him after. Yeah, some people know I always hate when people don't get in trouble. But if that happened to you, you would have been in trouble. Yep. Yep.


Yeah, for sure. Okay, let's start with I was on pan-am. That show was about Pan Am Flight attendants. Yeah, it was very, I think it was only like one season or two seasons was really short. But it was such a good show. I really like another one that I love to watch. I got to go to their costume fitting. And that was like, Dream 60s closet. Literally, it was just like, all the most beautiful dresses from the 60s and accessories and hats and like literally everything that you could think of. They have it there. Yeah, so they picked out a dress for me. They usually do the fittings a week or so before just so that you know, they have all of that squared away before you go to set.

Miss Pinup Miami:

They keep us seamstress on set in case something.


Yeah, there's a whole costume team, especially with period pieces and like actual costumes to wear. Because in most of the time you wear your own clothes, but when you're wearing something of theirs, they have a team there to make sure that it's all like, protected. And then depending on what level of like, importance of these outfits. Yeah, they'll tell you either like, you can't eat in these, or we need you to wear a beard or something or you know, just be really careful. But that one was shot in I was like castle like, mansion. upstate New York somewhere is really beautiful. And it was supposed to be some grand soiree that all of us are going to so I'm just again, excited to be here. You know, I'm just smiling nicely, but inside, I'm like, Oh my god, this is so cool. So they're doing a shot where they want people walking in to the party. And there's this woman ahead of me now I have a partner, I have this guy who's my partner, and this woman and the other guy go ahead of me, and then we go, and then the director or whoever it was doing it, but sometimes it's like, I'm terrible at this right now. Like someone else may be, they're running the calling the shots. So he says Alright, cut, cut, cut. Um, you are pointing to me. I want you in the front. And I'm like, Oh, okay. And then we go and I do my walk and I realized that I was doing a


walk like a real like


yeah Basha walk and I remembered the world. woman who was there before, she was not very happy about that. I'm sorry, ma'am. Wherever you are wasn't my fault. And my butt opens up that shot and I'm not even joking. To find the episode, the camera pulls out of my behind going, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, walking.

Miss Pinup Miami:

excited for that episode, and then you see? Yeah. Oh,


that show is really, really fun to work on. I did work on Smash. Did you ever watch that show?


No, it's,


it's okay. That show was about Broadway performers and putting on a Broadway show another

Miss Pinup Miami:

day, but I never know. Oh,


yeah, it was such a good show. Great music. Phenomenal cast, of course. And I got to be on a bunch of those episodes to one of them. I played a punk girl. And that's the first time ever that I got to put on just like, you know, punk clothing, and have my hair and makeup done punk. And I was just like, Oh, this is so cool.

Miss Pinup Miami:

That's the best thing about acting is that you're able to escape and be like somebody totally different than your norm. And that


is what I love about acting. And I think it also part, you know, I think a lot of the, I'm going to rewind, remember use words. There's a lot of reasons why I got into acting, and modeling and dance. And one of the reasons that I also love acting is I grew up loving costumes. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays every year, like picking out a Halloween costume is like a very big ordeal for me. And I think that that love, you know, kind of manifested itself into acting too. Because just like you said, I get to be someone completely different. I get to go into another world. When I was in pan-am, it's like you're literally stepping into the 1960s. Actually, the next one I was talking about. I worked on Gotham and I played a soldier


was I know that I did.


Yeah, I got to play a soldier. And that's something that in regular life, I wouldn't really. I mean, I don't want to pretend to be a soldier because, you know, they obviously it's not right. They do so much for this country, and I have never disrespected in that way. But I got to put on the helmet and the gear and I got to be one for a few moments. I don't think I played a US soldier. I think I played like the soldier of some bad guy. I really I didn't watch Gotham actually.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, there was no army, but it was the bad guys had there. Oh,


yeah. Yeah, I was like a soldier of the bad guy. Um, but it's just that it's getting to play make believe as a grown up and getting paid to do it, which is like, how much better can it get than that? I also worked on Daredevil. I played a nun. Oh, it was really fun. Yeah, I played a nun, which was, again, we're talking about completely different roles and getting to wear costumes and be different people. Again, I would not wanna pretend to be a nun in real life. But it was really cool to put on the habit and the whole thing. And it was just like, I get to, I get to pretend right now. I did a whole day of filming for that. And you only see me for literally like half a second. This is my whole life. By the way. I'm a naming a lot of this stuff. But 50% of the time, you will see me on screen for like, a second. Unless I have a featured role. That's what they call featured background is when you get to see yourself more than half a second.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, I didn't know that. Well. I have only been in one movie. Oh, tell me. I didn't even think I'd get a credit on there. But the guy loves my yellow hair. It was a friend that was doing a short film for I forgot what, it was a big deal. But I didn't I didn't know much about it. And they they're like, oh, you're just gonna be somebody in the background and a library. I said, Okay, I don't mind helping out. And then I have a friend that texted me saying, you're in. You're on Amazon in this short film. And I was there. I was here for like 10 hours and I didn't talk I literally just sat you know, behind somebody reading. And the guy zooms into my hair. And this I'm like, Well, I think


just like my butt.

Miss Pinup Miami:

There you go. They'd love you to put you up front and they made that transition. Yeah.


Yeah, that's a lot of what it Working on set is is they say Hurry up and wait. Because that's really what it is. You're waiting. You're just waiting and waiting and waiting all day. And then they're like, Alright, it's your time. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go and you you've got to be ready to go.

Miss Pinup Miami:

No sleeping.


No. sleeping. No, that's really the worst thing too because it does happen because sometimes when you're on holding people are just not paying attention, they get tired or they take a nap or they're, you know, they've got music and they're not paying attention. They call your number or your group or whatever, and you don't go You missed your chance. Like that's it. They're no one's waiting for you. Like, that's it. You just wasted your time. I mean, you'll still get paid, but everyone does is with the hopes of being able to see themselves on TV or a movie, you know.

Miss Pinup Miami:

On set Yeah. What's your name? Sorry.


I did a Bud Light commercial. Do you know those dilly dilly commercials? No,

Miss Pinup Miami:

of you good.


You're better off trust

Miss Pinup Miami:

me because I'm going to Google.


I'll send you the commercial that I'm in. It's another one where I worked entire day and you do not see me. But I was there. And we had to say dilly dilly a lot. Because as you know, things are not just shot in one take, you know, they're done in multiple takes. So we're dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly all day, and I cannot stand those words anymore. When the commercial would come on, I would turn to my boyfriend for like, turn


it because I'm still traumatized.


Over and over. Yeah, for a whole day, it really got to me. And then that day, I had a feeling that I was doing something medieval. So the commercial is set in like medieval times got a king and a queen and people, right. So in the castings, they don't tell you exactly what you're doing. They'll they'll give you a setting in and I'm sorry, I'm going to rewind, they do tell you what you're going to be doing. But they don't tell you what the production is all the time. So when you're applying, you won't always see it saved, but like commercial may have a code name, or may just say beer commercial, because they also kind of want to weed out people who are only doing things because it sounds cool. Or it's got a big name. A lot of movies operate under code names just so that people don't bother them. Because if you see Daredevil movie or Daredevil, whatever, you're going to be more likely to bombard those people, then you know, if you just see x movie Oh, kind of thing. So with this one, I had some clues that it was going to be medieval, but I wasn't sure. And when we got on set, it was medieval. I saw a guy getting fitted into a night like a whole metal Knights thing. And I'm like, Okay, this is gonna be awesome. I'm going to get to wear period clothing period. clothing is my whole thing. I love wearing period clothing. So I'm texting my boyfriend, like oh my god, I really hope they get to be a princess because I saw another girl walk by and she's got the pointy hat and a cute dress. And I was like, I can't wait till they call my doctor we get to be. So they call my number and I go up to costume. And they're like,

Miss Pinup Miami:



Ah, yeah. So they made me a peasant. And it was the ugliest costume. I have a picture of it somewhere. And it

Miss Pinup Miami:

was just like in your face. And the lady said, peasant.


And I was like, ouch. Yeah, but I played a peasant. And I'm just like way far in the back. So you don't see me at all.

Miss Pinup Miami:

in these in these positions? Do they do your hair makeup for these roles? Or?


It depends on how it depends on a few things, how likely you will be to be on camera, or how much time the team has, because sometimes they'll do my hair and makeup. And I won't be seen on camera and I'm like, why did they do my hair makeup like they totally didn't have to because you didn't even see me or like I'm really far from the camera. They didn't have to do my hair and makeup. So I'm assuming that they just had extra time on their hands and why not make everyone look really good. Sometimes you'll do your own hair and makeup. They'll tell you come here and makeup ready. And you'll just walk up to them. They'll look you over and be like, okay, you're good. And then that's it. They don't even touch you. So it really depends on each production at each one is different. I had another situation though, where I didn't get the role that I wanted. I was doing a Netflix like promo commercial, which I've never seen. I think they never used it. But they had they were doing like whatever shows were popular at the time they wanted to have like people from that world. So for example, glow was big at the time, so they had a lot of girls dressed as glow character, not characters, but like, if you were in glow, so just like, you know, like those wrestlers. Yeah, and that universe Exactly. I go up to costume, because I want to be a glow girl, right? Cuz there's all these other shows are boring.


I want to be a glow girl.


I love glow. I want to be on glow. So I'm like, this is my chance. I get it to see what I look like in glow world. No. peasant. But very, it was like, close to peasant. They made me like a cult follower. I can't remember the show. It was like, I think it was like a documentary or it was like a true story kind of thing. But I was like, in just like plain beige drab gown. It was like a potato sack. And I had to be barefoot. I didn't even do my toes. I was so

Miss Pinup Miami:

that was part of the call.


I was. I was like, Well, I guess at least I look in character. But it was like the most boring outfit. And I was like, really? man could have been glow. And I was a freaking cult follower.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Couldn't have been worse. You could have been like tired King.


Yeah, that's true.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I have a couple questions. Some of the listeners. What has been your favorite acting role? Um,


I'm just gonna head over Ghostbusters. For sure. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I was in the newest Ghostbusters, not the one that's coming out now. But the one Ghostbusters answer the call. I. I am very, very fortunate that I got to be in that because typically. So first of all, I should say that it was shot in Boston. So typically, for background actors, they pull from people of that city, they're not really going to get people from elsewhere. But because I cosplay as a Ghostbuster, and I'm part of a bunch of Ghostbuster Facebook groups, through the grapevine we got the casting information, the casting directors information. So I sent him an email, and I said, I'm from New York City, but I will be there. Like, you can count on me. I'm dependable and reliable. I can send you my headshot on my resume, like please would you consider me? And he said, Sure. Just send me your headshot and resume in the in the mail. I was like, Oh, yes. Okay. So sensitive in the mail. And I got called back and he was like, Okay, can you come to Boston for a week? And I was like, heck, yeah. You come to Boston for a week. So um, yeah. It's really like, very fortunate because like I said, they're usually not going to, you know, for a background actor. Why would you even pull from New York City? Like, it doesn't make that much sense to do that. But I went and got very lucky. Yes, I like yes. I whenever I want something, I go after it full force. I put all myself into it. And

Miss Pinup Miami:

I was, it must have been your cosplay Ghostbusters. It must have been an amazing day. Yeah.


And yeah, and we, of course, with a lot of these movies and TV shows, you have to sign an NDA, which is a nondisclosure agreement. Pretty much, you're saying that you will not release any picture. First of all, you know, even supposed to take pictures on set. So that's not even don't even do that anyway. But you will be in a lot of trouble if you release any information or pictures or anything from the set. So I got very lucky again, because when I went there, and I got in my costume, which they had approved, like a week before, and I'm just sitting, waiting to be called, so you got

Miss Pinup Miami:

to use your own costume.


Yeah, because they said they wanted this was for a rock concert. So I had my own stuff. And I had to go, I think it was like, I'm pretty sure it was like a week before. Show them my outfit and they approved it. And so I try to make it a point that when I'm on set, I'm very alert. I'm very aware of everything that's going on. I'm never lost in books, or music or anything because I want work. I'm there to work. So I'm always like, paying attention paying attention. And I was one of the first group to get called because they're, you know, they call up people and they're like, Okay, this first group come. So we went into this other room and this woman came in and she's kind of scanning we're sitting in like a like a theater, and she's scanning the theater. And she points at me and another girl. She says oh you to come with me. I'm like, Oh, where are we going? She picked us to play makeup artists backstage. So although it kind of made me a little less seen on camera because being backstage wasn't in the concert, obviously. So there was a lot of scenes shot on the concert floor where you could be better seen. But because I was backstage, I was closer to the entire cast. I also got to see the proton packs like before they were released yet and it was just so cool. Because I got to see these things. I'm like, Oh my God, this isn't me again.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Anytime I'm sad. I'm


like, freaking out. I'm like, oh my god. This is so awesome. And outside. I'm very cool. Very cool. But it was amazing. Being on set there. They had the best Crafty Crafty is like food. They have the best food. They hired an ice cream truck for the main cast and like crew. Yeah. So about because I was in the area of them.

Miss Pinup Miami:

I get to go you get their ice cream? Ice cream.


Yeah, yep. Yeah. But yeah, their crafting was amazing. They had a snack table that was just like, it was like heaven on a table. It was amazing. Yeah, and then Paul Feig is a really great director. He's so kind and so nice. Every time I saw him in the hall, we'd pass each other. I'd say hello. And he'd say hello back. And it's really, really appreciated when you're acknowledged by people that are that much higher than you. Because I've been on a lot of sets where the directors are really mean, and rude sometimes. But he was like the complete opposite. And the first director and like in a while that I have worked with that was just really amazing to be around.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, wow, that sounds like an amazing experience. And then I bumped into him


at the park after shooting one day because I'm in Boston. I didn't know anyone there. So after we shot one day, I went to this park. I looked on Google Maps. I was like there's a park. I'm just gonna go sit in the park. So I walked over there and I sat and I'm just people watching because I literally have nothing to do. And I see who I think is Paul fake walking by and I'm like, Oh my God, is that Oh, my It is okay. Okay. Play cool. Play cool with you guys. But you can't be weird. So I did say hi to him. And he was really nice to me. He actually chatted with me for a few minutes. I was like, Hey, I was just on set with you. We're gonna Ghostbusters. He was like, Oh, cool. Thank you for being here. I said, Thank you, sir.


He was really nice.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, what? What would be your dream role?




this is going to be probably a movie that never exists. Because I love musicals. I love action movies, and I love period dramas. So there is a period action musical ever in the works. Please call me. I will work for free.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Period action musical.



Miss Pinup Miami:

Huh? Okay,


I guess it's lame is Rob's

Miss Pinup Miami:

I was talking about Monte Pat. How much advice that's not very. Okay. I'll give me the ROB Okay, movie, but that happened. Okay. I'll keep it in mind if I hear something.


Pretty much a musical. Honestly, any musical that I would get to be in is my dream role because I'm a huge, huge Broadway fan. I guess if if they ever did a movie version of Beetlejuice on Broadway, that would be like a dream role to play Lydia, but I can't sing that great. So I'll never

Miss Pinup Miami:

ever know. Yeah. What's your favorite musical? Oh, my


goodness. Okay. Wait, how much time you

Miss Pinup Miami:

mean your top three? Or does it have to be top three? No numbers.


Okay, I'm gonna just I'm going to shout them out. I'm Beetlejuice Hamilton. Mean Girls.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Kinky Boots,




dear of enhancing. Those are some of my top ones that I listened to like, non stop. Like, if you you've seen my Spotify at the end of the year. It's all musical. Oh, my God, and I can't forget in the heights. Oh,


oh, I can't wait to see the movie.


Okay, so do you want to hear something about in the heights in the movie?

Miss Pinup Miami:



I am very dumb. Okay. People learn from my mistake. Okay. Always take the opportunities that you have. Now, I didn't have an opportunity to be in the movie necessarily. But I had an opportunity to audition. And I didn't do it. And I didn't do it out of fear. And that was the dumbest thing I could do. Because now I have this regret. And every time I think about it, I'm like, I should have tried. Because it's that what if what if I submitted, maybe I could have gotten, you know, something smaller because I was going to submit as one of the singers. And again, I love to sing. I don't think I'm that great of a singer. So I said, I'm not even going to try. There's going to be more famous people. They're going to get it than me. But that was dumb. I should have still tried. I guess you never know. Maybe they would have like, liked my weird face. And like, she's great for that weird girl in the background. We need

Miss Pinup Miami:

that But yeah, I get this every time.


But I'm so excited to see it because it's one of my favorite musicals, and it's gonna be it's gonna be phenomenal. Have you ever listened to the music?

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, I saw it. I did. it live. I am a big Broadway fan. But I like secretly like my dream job would be to be on Broadway. I asked me to. I I was there was a point in my life that I was really shy and I just I used to sing when I was smaller did theater, but then it just like hit me when I became a teenager, like all this shyness. And but once you run it, oh, my favorite. No, it's gonna be like, weird. But I love Phantom of the Opera and wicked. Yes.


Oh my god, how did I forget Phantom of the Opera. That's actually my first Broadway show ever. You're going to hear a funny story about Phantom of the Opera? Yes.




phantom of the opera was the first Broadway show that my dad makes, you know, I wear contacts to see I need to wear glasses, because I have very bad vision. So um, as a kid, I had glasses. And my dad takes us to the show. And I forgot my glasses at home. And the entire show, I could not see it. But I heard it. And I loved the music. So after the show, now, you know, Broadway shows are not cheap, especially in New York. They're so expensive. So my dad just paid for tickets for a show that I didn't even get to see heard it but didn't get to see it. So after the show, you know, we're walking to the subway. And he's like, so what you guys think? What did you how did you like it? And I was like, Well, you know, I I liked it a lot. But I couldn't really see anything. And he was like, lights, your glasses. So, being the amazing dad that he is. You got tickets again? front row and made sure I had my glasses.

Miss Pinup Miami:

On Nice. Yeah.


And then I took my sister's to see Princeton when they were little. That was their first Broadway show. So I've actually seen Phantom on Broadway three times. Oh, wow.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, I would love to see it. I would love to see a show in Broadway, New York, like in New York. I've only seen him here, Miami or Broward? But why? How is the role between an actor and the director on set? Like I guess the dynamics?


I guess it depends on the the actor and the director, because sometimes they can be really helpful and really help you dig down deep. And sometimes they could just not be very nice and just want you to be a puppet and do exactly what they say. Because like,

Miss Pinup Miami:

it's upon it earlier that some people don't even say hi. And they're like,


yeah, yeah, sometimes they're, I've been on some sets where they were extremely just like, really mean, that's why I joined the actors union because I was doing background acting for a while as non union. But I was being treated like crap, like really bad situations like being in the rain and freezing cold and no one caring. And that's when I was like, I can't take this anymore. I'm joining the union because I need to be treated like a human being. So I joined the actors union, and they're amazing. They take really great care of us. So yeah, it really just depends.

Miss Pinup Miami:

How fake our reality shows have you been on set? So


fake? Yes.


I was actually just having this conversation with my boyfriend's mother the other day, because we were on the topic of reality shows and I was telling her that it's just kind of a fact in general, like, regular life is not always entertaining. You can have some of the most nicest people in the world on camera, but they may not be that interesting. They may not say the right things, they may not push the story along. So it's sad, but it does have to be scripted in some way because otherwise people would just lose interest. I mean, if you think about your everyday life, most people you know, it's not reality show worthy. I mean, that's the truth of it, that there has to be some direction to it. I don't agree with it. I think it's terrible.

Miss Pinup Miami:

But it is absolutely scripted.


I worked on a show called Hmm. I'm gonna say I worked on a reality show, I don't want to name them. But on the show, I was asked to give a reading for something. And my rating was not the best for this thing we shall say. And they, after the show, they contacted me and said, Hey, so how would you be okay, with like changing your rating for this thing? It would just look better for the show. And I was like, okay, whatever, fine. Go ahead, you know. But in that's a perfect example. Like, my rating in this thing was not my actual rating, because they changed it because it just looked better for the show.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Ah, so interesting. Like, I feel like the Kardashians they have so much money, like, why are they? I don't know. They're just making drama just because they knew. Let's see him. does having ink affect getting hired on screen for a role? Yeah, I think Yeah,


I do. So I have one on my wrist right here. It's an owl. I have one of my back. This is a really, it's a really like, touchy thing. Because so in some casting calls, they will say straight out. No tattoos, because I don't know who or how, or why this happened. But when I first started doing acting, and you had tattoos, it was like, whatever, now. And now. And I might say whatever. I mean, in terms of like, if you were allowed to have a tattoo on the show, it was not a big deal. Now, you have to have written consent from the artist who made your tattoo and haven't received any go to set. Yeah. So I'm like, What tattoo artist just made everyone's life harder, you know, they saw their work and was like, I didn't give you permission to for that to be on that movie or that show. So yeah, now we have to get written consent. And I this tattoo in the head, like four ever and I don't remember who the artist was. So it's always like, you know, uncomfortable, because it's like, sometimes they'll be okay with that. And sometimes they won't, because it's like, I don't know where this person is now. Yeah, and then. So sometimes, most of the period, most of the period castings won't take you if you have tattoos, you can try to fudge it. And that's why I say it's a touchy thing, because you can try to lie and say, Oh, I don't have any,

Miss Pinup Miami:

you know, any under makeup.


You could put makeup on, but then you have to be careful. Because if they're fitting you for wardrobe, and that wardrobe touches that makeup and you get makeup on their wardrobe, you're going to get in trouble or they're not going to be happy with you and they're not going to call you back. So it's always like very touching go like you have to be careful about which you pick and choose to, to go into. Yeah, but it does make it very difficult. So if you are listening to this, and you're interested in acting, and you're thinking about getting tattoos, and you're serious about acting, definitely wait until after because it's it's a headache to have to deal with them. But once you become famous, like it doesn't matter anymore. So

Miss Pinup Miami:

Johnny Depp doesn't have a lot of tattoos.


Yeah, yeah. Because, you know, once once you're like being paid millions of dollars, no one's gonna tell you can't have a tattoo. Yeah. But actors, they, you know, they don't want to see them.

Miss Pinup Miami:

The last question is, how hard are casting calls? Is it like the movie where they don't even look at you?


Um, it really, I think depends on yourself, because there's some some auditions that I've gone to that I felt really confident. And I felt like I killed it. And there are other ones where I've walked in there, and I've completely forgotten my lines. It's happened on stage to so many times. And it's, it's really difficult for me, I actually have trouble remembering my lines when I'm nervous. I can recite it to you No problem. Like, if it's you and me, and we're practicing lines, and we're going back and forth. I've got it. But there's something about being on stage that sometimes I get these lights in my eyes and I'm like, Oh my god, I forgot what I was supposed to say. You know, those different things. I'm actually really good with that. Um, I have no issues of being on film. It's strange, but something about being on stage really freaks me out. Yeah, and it's so auditions are a lot like Because you just have people staring at you and they want to see how good you are and they're thinking about you and dissecting you and it's just like all you start to think about all that and it gets really nerve racking

Miss Pinup Miami:

and you're the only one there looking.


Yeah, you're the only one. So I always try to go in with kindness and humor and you know, to kind of like, ease myself, because I know that I'm going to start to get really nervous when I get nervous. I completely forget my lines.

Miss Pinup Miami:

So you gotta keep it chill.


Yes, exactly. Keep your chill. But yeah, it really it really just depends. Sometimes. Yeah, you will have people who won't even look at you. I've had that happen. pinup contest before. The judges looking at me and I'm like,

Miss Pinup Miami:

Hey, you may get a chance. That's how I would be like, I didn't even get a chance to see my hair. My dress. Come on. Hi, Luna, do you have any questions you'd like to ask me before we go? Hmm.


What would be your dream role? Oh.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, my dream role in Broadway.


Oh, yes. Let's do Broadway.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Oh, that's what I was thinking. I would love Elphaba from wicked from wicked. Oh, yeah. Yes.



Miss Pinup Miami:

I wouldn't even mind by the way.


I think I might about dream role. I think my dream role would be to I know reviews are terrible. But if anyone decided to remake any Audrey Hepburn movie like Funny Girl or

Miss Pinup Miami:

representative Tiffany's?


Yeah, do it. Let's


do it better with not the racism. I would love to be in one of those roles because I've idolized her like forever and

Miss Pinup Miami:

beautiful and today's her birthday. I know we're filming this today. Today's her birthday


is meant to be that means someone out there is going to redo it. And they're going to watch this and they're going to cast me I wish

Miss Pinup Miami:

and I learned today because it's Audrey Hepburn his birthday again. Whoever's listening. It was yesterday. But um, Revlon still sells the lipstick that she uses in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I forgot the name now but that pink. Yeah, they still sell it out and welcome so cool.


Yeah, my goodness.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Fun fact. Yeah. Make sure everyone listening make sure you follow Luna on all social platforms at Luna x Mars. You can't forget it because x Mars I love that. I want to say thank you so much for being on my podcast. It means so much. Thank you for having me. This


is amazing. I'm like I feel I have nothing of worth you know to talk about this is really cool that you even find this interesting because I do. I just like it's like every day.

Miss Pinup Miami:

For me, I find it interesting. I find it interesting for any listeners out there that are interested in acting like getting you know, you could reach out to her I'm sure if you have any questions.


Yeah, if anyone has questions about acting, please feel free to reach out to me. I love helping other people kind of find their way and what they want to do.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Yeah, and you always learn from people like now I know that if I ever need help, you know, in something in acting or I'll be like, Okay, I gotta hit up Luna. Or if I find a Breakfast at Tiffany's open Navy, like, hey, Luna, here you go. about helping everyone out. And you know, again, like we said in the beginning, you don't know what anybody's going through. Just help people. You know, wasting energy on being angry or rude. I don't see. But I want to say thank you to everyone listening. I will see you all next Wednesday, too. So please stay safe. I got my vaccine. Yeah. and have a wonderful day.


Thank you.

Miss Pinup Miami:

Thanks. Bye.